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La extensión natural de cualquier espacio de exterior o de

interior, de terrrazas a grandes instalaciones de contract.

The natural extension of any outdoor or indoor

space, from terraces to large contract projects.

Has any great work or great

teacher influenced your ideas about


Certainly. There are many great works

from ancient times, many of which are by

unknown authors, which have impressed

me, touched me and therefore influenced

me. There are also other small, mundane

works, which are often anonymous, that

have really touched me.

I am the result of all of them. My

aesthetic and ethical personality has

been shaped by all of them. I could cite

dozens of them. Some are large, such as

those from ancient Egypt and Greece and

the Maya, Inca, Aztec, Chinese, Japanese

cultures, etc. with their palaces, temples

or feats of engineering, etc.

Others are modest, like the popular

architecture of ancient cultures from

every corner of the world: Asia, Middle

East, Africa and America.

Conversations with José A. Gandia-Blasco

¿Hubo grandes obras o grandes

maestros que influyeran en sus ideas

sobre la arquitectura?

Sin duda que si. Hay grandes obras

de tiempos remotos y autores

desconocidos (muchas de ellas) que

me han impresionado, emocionado,

y por tanto, influido y algunas otras

pequeñas, cotidianas y también, muchas

veces anónimas que me han calado


De todas ellas soy consecuencia;

con todas ellas se ha formado mi

personalidad estética y ética.

Podría citar decenas. Algunas grandes

como las del antiguo Egipto o Grecia,

las culturas Maya, Inca, Azteca, China,

Japón,etc con sus palacios, templos u

obras de ingeniería,etc.

Otras modestas como la arquitectura

popular de culturas milenarias

procedentes de cualquier rincón del

mundo, Asia, Medio Oriente, África, o


Conversaciones con José A. Gandia-Blasco